Monday, January 14, 2008

Deadly Viper Bling Bling Assassin

Yep, you read that right.

I am posting this 'cause we "inherited" a gigantic TV, and I am very conflicted. It's nice to watch movies, but really, it's kind of ridiculous. I mean really. Ridiculous

The picture on the left is not our tv.

Anyway, read the link here, at Deadly Viper Blog.

Also, here is a different deadly viper assassin story.

While you're here, check out the snazzy photo of me on the right. I tried to take a self-portrait by holding my camera in one hand and leaning against my bedroom window to let in light, so the picture was kind of blurry. I messed around with it in my Photoshop knock-off program, so it looks crazy, kind of like something I suspect an emo kid would do, except I still don't know what emo is. I'm not emo, am I? I would be embarassed.