Sunday, March 1, 2009


Folks, just want to clarify something here.

It's easy for folks of my persuasion to dwell on problems or get all mopey or complainy things.  So for every post about problems regarding our screwed-up culture and society, I will try to post something uplifting or encouraging.  Because I am called to a life of joy, and I know what a drag bitteness can be.

If you think I am not living up to this, you can call me on it.  Or come over to my house and punch me.  Just let me take my glasses off first--they are expensive.  (Noses are a dime a dozen).

OK, peace out, y'all.


Chris said...

How many times have I broken those glasses?

Unknown said...


that's a good idea ty

i've realized that it's not that i am cycnical, but that i take an extremely realist outlook on the world.

however, given that, and taking care to be tactful in considering possible threats posed (er, perceived threats posed in light of my realist frame of reference) i do not necessarily allow my so-called cynicism to be the overriding decision-making factor

your thoughts

Tyler said...


Once, when I ran in to the handicapped parking sign when you were chasing me.

Once, when somebody bumped me on the hayride and the fell into the cornfield and I never saw them again.

Once, when Brian Lombardo's little brother fell on top of me in the Adams' van.

Tyler said...


Yes. Someone once told me about being as shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves, and we certainly must be wise to what's happening around us, and within ourselves---to know limitations and respect them. At the same time, we must have the hope and love to act in the face of "possible threats posed." It's a delicate balancing act, to be sure, and I know I am not very good at it.