Friday, February 15, 2008

Suicide Kings and Laughing Jokers

Most of you may know I liked to do photography back in high school, and although I haven't done much lately due to the time and cost, I still to like to see what cool stuff there is out in the art world. Usually, not much, as many contemporary artists seem content on just being weird. I once read about a guy who would write two different addresses on a postcard, one on either side, and then mailed it so see where it would end up. Callde it something like: I hope they didn't give him an MFA.

Anyway, sometimes I do come across something pretty neat.

Check this out:


At first glance, you might think there's nothing special to the pictures, but click again to see a zoomed-up version.


Chris said...

Ty, that website is killer. Thanks for sharing. And again, I submit to be a featured link :)