Thursday, May 28, 2009

Link Roundup

Howdy everybody.   Been really busy lately, but decided to shoot these links out to y'all.

Paul Zahl, quoted in Ray Ortlund's blog:
"Realism has never been a mean achievement. It is a hard-won asset. And it differs from cynicism, with which it is sometimes confused, by only a slender thread -- the thread, I believe, of God's grace. . . . We are thinking of the person who can say, on the one hand, 'I am an incredible idiot,' and at the same time, 'Life is good and the future holds out hope.'"
Anne Jackson, asking if she is a Technology Addict?

John Piper, Breaking Free From an Entertainment Addiction:
I'm deeply concerned about that. I want to stand for seriousness about God, instead of making him palatable by making him "fun"! Turning him into another piece of entertainment
Lydia McGrew, on not teaching your kids about Santa

Carlos Whittaker, on learning about God from the bearded ma at the coffee shop.

Michael Bucchino, reporting on the World Beard Championships

Megan McArdle, on why elevated CAFE standards aren't ideal

Roland Martin, on being a real father

That's probably good for now.