Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thought for the Day Vol. 1

Thought for the Day

"Where there is weakness, my power is shown the more completely." 2 Corinthians 12:9, Phillips

"The power of Christ manifests to the full its irresistible energy and attains its highest results by performing works of power with powerless instruments."

Geoffrey Wilson, quoted in D. A. Carson, From Triumphalism to Maturity, pages 150-151.

From Christ is Deeper Still

"For the sake of Christ . . . ." 2 Corinthians 12:10

"Let us look at our lives in the light of this experience and see whether we gladly glory in weakness, whether we take pleasure, as Paul did, in injuries, in necessities, in distresses. Yes, let us ask whether we have learnt to regard a reproof, just or unjust, a reproach from friend or enemy, an injury or trouble or difficulty into which others bring us, as above all an opportunity of proving how Jesus is all to us, how our own pleasure or honor are nothing and how humiliation is in very truth what we take pleasure in. It is indeed blessed, the deep happiness of heaven, to be so free from self that whatever is said of us or done to us is lost and swallowed up in the thought that Jesus is all."

Andrew Murray, Humility, page 83.

From Christ is Deeper Still


Paul said...

Love that Geoffery Wilson quote... "powerless insrtuments"... so true.