Friday, November 2, 2007

Weekend Link Roundup!

Hi everybody!

It's now time for the first weekend link roundup! The cowboy on the left is about you?

I know posting is a bit erratic, so here is the way I will try to work things around here...

Every Saturday, or there abouts, I will a Weekly Link Review, where I'll post links to things you might find interesting--or at least I find interesting.

This way, when you're on the internet, you won't waste it as I do (reading the best of Buckeye blogs) or in some of your favorite ways: pretending you're John Elway, reliving your favorite Star Trek moments, listening to 80's pop hits or their modern reinterpretations. Actually, those are some of my favorite ways to waste time, but I am too embarassed to admit them. Our little secret, ok?

Anyway, here are some interesting things you may want to check out:

The Porn Myth
Don't miss this one, but be forewarned! It gets a little PG-13 at times. It is a recent article by Naomi Wolf, a renowned feminist, who concludes that perhaps the sexual liberation of the 1960's wasn't all that groovy. The contrast between her Orthodox Jewish friend and the university student on the last page is remarkable. Perhaps there is more to church teaching on sex than prudery and repression.

The Pleasures and Perils of Fermentation
This is the one you want to read second, especially YOU, fellow college student! How do we have a God who is the Vine, but is not the god of debauchery? More to the point, how can we be people who enjoy the broadest freedom--the freedom to drink, and the freedom to abstain?

What Little Girls Should Get to Do
About girls freed from sex slavery in India...and yes, I know it is hosted on the blog of Jim Wallis, who can be fairly left-leaning, and that may cause some of you to hurl your breakfast. But please, try to read it before you spew Cap'n Crunch all over your keyboard, 'cause I bet that's hard to clean up.

God-cool Stuff
Another tale of outside-the-box ministry. See my other post Holy Smokes! for more good things.

One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (of Atheism)
Noted philosopher Anthony Flew (whom I read in my one-and-only philosophy 101 course) recently became a theist due to the claims of intelligent design.

Well that is all for now. I will try to write something original in the next few days here.


Unknown said...

Yes!!! Tyler, I love reading your blog =)

Chris said...

Ty, thoroughly enjoying reading the articles you have linked to. May I submit for future consideration :) Seriously kid, I have really enjoyed this and hopefully will point some people who read my blog to check out yours (ok who am I kidding, those one or two that read my blog to read yours as well). Much love, miss ya.